Lil joys! #WW #ThursdayTreeLove

Joys of childhood are somehow very special. Aren't they ? Our days were uncluttered and distractions were few... it was as if we had all the time in the world to 'stop and smell the roses' and we found joy in the simple lil things... Here I have pictures of a couple of plants that... Continue Reading →

Ganesha Chaturthi… a trip down memory lane

Ganesh Chaturthi ... the festival always brings back fond memories of childhood. We used to enjoy the festivities, especially the evening aarti in the pandal close to our home in Belgaum. The community celebration is what made it so exciting perhaps! The desire to be right at the front in the pandal, aarti recital by... Continue Reading →

An idyllic haven… #ThursdayTreeLove

4 months and counting... This year, we'd planned to have a programme during the first quarter or at least during the kid's summer vacations. We all got more regular with the classes, practised better and we were generally gearing up towards the big day. And boom! The lockdown meant us having to miss our dance... Continue Reading →

Rain lilies #Friday Flowers

The skies become cloudy and I wonder if its going to rain. The thought of rain takes me to the balcony and I instinctively scan the pots to see if there are any buds waiting to bloom... Yes... rains bring along with them the pretty rain lilies. Bangalore has been having its share of rains... Continue Reading →

Tiny Tidbits

Ammu has her study holidays going on and is generally around in the morning when I'm getting ready to go to work. Here's a conversation from a couple of days ago, when I was draping the saree and looking for a pin - Me: my mom never wore pins.. she used to wear similar cotton... Continue Reading →


There is something magical about the moon! Isnt it 🙂 Nostalgia rushes in when I think of the moon... Lil me being fed lovingly by granma or mom, while being told tales about the moon. And that scene repeated with my little sisters and then with little Ammu and little Adi... goes on... isnt it... Continue Reading →

Neem! #ThursdayTreeLove

In India, Neem tree has been a revered one through the ages. Granma used to tell us that Neem tree near the entrance of the house is very beneficial and that summers are made cooler by the sway of its branches 🙂 We dont live in an independent house and hence there was no scope... Continue Reading →

J is for Jamun :)

Jamun, the fruit has been one of the favorites during our childhood in Belgaum. We knew it as Jambul then, and we would wait eagerly for the cart vendors to arrive with the ripened jambul. These were usually garnished with a bit of salt in order to enhance the taste. And, the fact that it coloured the... Continue Reading →

I scream.. You scream…

We all scream for Ice cream!! 🙂 yayy!! Summer's here with soaring temperatures and so are ice creams and fruit juices to cool us down. Ice cream is much loved by everyone in our family. I'm famously known for gobbling up my share and borrowing from sis always during our childhood days 😀 Dad especially encourages... Continue Reading →

J is for Jasmine..

.. the flower!! I'm sure Ammu would have instantly assumed I'm talking about Jasmine, the Disney princess 🙂 Aaah jasmine... the flowers bring back many many fond memories.. Summer vacations in Madurai The evenings when we would eagerly wait for the flower vendor Granma teaching me the art of tying the flowers using fibre of... Continue Reading →

Lil joys!

Through the years... On some days, she is the one to throw tantrum and not relent till I give in.. On some other days, I am the one yelling in anxiousness 😦 On yet other days, thata keeps on warning that time's up which irks her further... And, there are some days when he gets... Continue Reading →


few precious memories are all that are left now.. to hold and cherish.. Its 12 years to the day you left us. We have grown through the pain and the tears, missing you, needing you... Through the daily  joys and struggles , the pain seems to have gone... to have been numbed... but still it... Continue Reading →

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