Inspiration is everywhere…

Inspiration is all around if you care to look 🙂 Ammus' favourite theme of moonlit night sky, a much loved bottle and a social media handle came together in this beautiful artwork that she made for a friend... ********** P.S: Linking up  at the blog hops hosted by the lovely folks Sandee, Natasha, Betty. Hop over to join... Continue Reading →

Mandala art #ArtLove

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” - Thomas Merton My attempt at making a Mandala design... Inspired by Ammu, whose chosen form of art during the lockdown is the Mandala Art... It has brought out my deep seated love of plants, with so much of it being plant/leaf... Continue Reading →

Colours galore…

Art has always been my go to thing! Our go to thing actually... Drawing, crafts, painting, jewellery making, designing clothes, embroidery, dance, dressing up. In one form or another, art has always been a part of our lives. Art has been our saviour all along! Mindful hobby , bonding with sisters, spending quality time with... Continue Reading →

My New Hobby! #LoveForHandmade

This was the year that I finally got onto my jewellery making! 😀 The desire to make accessories had been there since quite some time. Whenever I saw a pic of handmade jewellery, I would think even I want to create something. And eventually it led me to finding the tools and getting the base... Continue Reading →

Quilling Love

From the drafts. Edited today to add Adi's creation 🙂 The quilling spree continues! This time she was not inspired enough to make ornaments like before. Instead, she wanted to try her hand at advanced techniques and was expecting me to get her the tools for that. She also complained that she had quilling strips... Continue Reading →

Art love!

We are a family of art lovers! 🙂 Not serious art aficionados in a strict sense but we love to create/dabble in art. A large part of my childhood vacations were occupied with drawing, painting. I would then randomly showcase my creations on the walls. Mom was always very encouraging and never stopped me from putting... Continue Reading →

Q is for Quilling

Quilling...The new crafting obsession this year! Ammu was impressed when I'd tried my hands at quilling. So I'd bought some tools for us to try it out during her summer vacations. But she was impatient and went ahead on her own, all thanks to google and youtube 🙂 Here's some of the stuff that she... Continue Reading →

DIY love! :)

It was Friendship day on Sunday! And there were lovely friendship messages in the air... literally 🙂 ... and of course pretty colourful friendship bands to be exchanged as a token of friendship!! I was reminded me of our childhood and college days! And of a particular day after post graduation when we friends had... Continue Reading →

C is for Creativity!

And children!! 🙂 Children and creativity go hand in hand.. is it not 🙂 Most of them are creative in one way or the other!! Here are pics of the cards... notes actually 🙂 , that Ammu hurriedly made on the eve of Teacher's Day.. Pics were taken hurriedly too.. 🙂 I am glad I... Continue Reading →

Friday Cheer!

Its Friday! Ammu's been excited since a couple of days ... its Christmas celebrations at her school today!! She had volunteered to make a Christmas chart. We made one last weekend and it is now displayed on their class notice board. I hadn't attempted any art/craft with her for quite some time now... So she was... Continue Reading →

Spray of Colours!!

We made a couple of cards today... after I came back from work.. Reminds me of this C&H strip! haha! Not exactly panic in our case.. but I did want to make it to the April Challenge at ArtsyCraftsyMom 😛 Also, Ammu is going to Mysore tomorrow and will be back only on Sunday. So,... Continue Reading →

Colourful fun times :)

A few art pieces by Ammu 🙂 This one is inspired by the falling leaves in Autumn. Or is it Winter in February? Whatever! 🙂 One morning while waiting for the school van, I spotted a bird on the tree opposite to the gate and was showing it to her. The tree was almost bare... Continue Reading →

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