Dignity of emotion #BookBytes

It was entirely by chance that I picked up this book from the library at our office. Many times, I'd browsed through the small number of books. Most of them are non-fiction ones, dealing with technical or business mangement topics. There are a few fiction ones too, that were mostly contributed by colleagues. On that... Continue Reading →

Courage! #BookBytes

I'd almost started writing about 'The Little Princess", one of my favourite books , but then wondered if I have not already done so. I looked around in my archives and found that I've indeed written a big long post on it, including the quotes, almost a decade ago! I started thinking of the books... Continue Reading →

Today! #BookBytes

Another Tuesday is here... and its time for #BookBytes 🙂 During childhood or even through college days, I had not read or known about the adorable pooh named Winnie. But with lil kids around, Winnie the pooh is never far away...right? I remember Ammu reading the book and one evening at the dinner table she'd... Continue Reading →

Love of stories!

One of the blessings in life is to watch your kids get all excited at the sight of books in a book fair or in quaint little bookstores! Aint it every book lover's dream come true 🙂 On the flip side, getting them to read something that you want them to is not an easy... Continue Reading →

A cherished book !!

A Little princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The abridged version of this book was given to me as an award for Morals when I was in the 8th std which was almost 22 years ago!! Even to this day, I'm not very sure as to why they chose me for this prize. Was it based... Continue Reading →

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