Love and light!

The beautiful morning light that turned a relaxed Sunday morning into a fun family time 🙂 Hope you can spot the tiny details that symbolise the big things in life... These pictures, taken spontaneously, make me realize that love and light are indeed the 2 things that keep me going!! Feel blessed and grateful. Wishing... Continue Reading →

Trees of Cubbon Park #ThursdayTreeLove

During the annual leave in Dec 2018, dad had insisted that we visit the Cubbon park. Many a times I too have had this wish to visit the park in the early hours during a weekend. But somehow, it had never materialised. So, I was glad that dad had insisted on going there. Also, another... Continue Reading →

Sunday matinee!

The kids love the movie Chalti ka naam gaadi !! Yes.. a movie from the black and white era!! Its a feat I achieved recently. I say feat, because, to get the kids these days to love anything from our times is an achievement, let alone from the black and white times.. right? 🙂 A... Continue Reading →


I've  jumped into the 'colour your hair' bandwagon. I know its not such a big deal these days... however, for me and those around me, it is indeed a big one! They've been persistent in their efforts right from the days when I had just a couple of greys.. that is some 5-6 years ago... Continue Reading →

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