Friday Flowers!

I’m really unable to keep pace with the kids these days. They do and say so much that I’m hardly able to keep up with them and write everything down. With Adi, who is on a ‘why’ spree… and who is constantly chattering away to glory… that too using hi-fi words, his doings and his tales send us into peals of laughter… that is so needed at the end of the day!! I revel in the moment but am not able to put all of that here 😦 More so because they get eclipsed by things he does next moment. That’s how fast paced he is…

And Ammu..has got a lot of questions these days. Especially at bed time. While I marvel at her thought process… I’ve not been able to record any of it in recent days 😦 And with more work coming up in the next few weeks… I wonder if i’ll be able to do much. A post about the first PT meeting with Adi’s teacher is lying in the drafts since long… wonder when it’ll see the lights of the day 😀 In spite of all this.. I’m planning to jot down things so that I can actually do a post or two in the coming weeks. I’m already feeling better , having put this down here 🙂

Here’s one for now…

Yesterday, we were discussing about the upcoming Sports day. Ammu is practising the waka waka dance these days at school along with a big group. I asked Adi what they’ll be doing… and pat came the reply ‘Running business!’ and we all laughed our guts out 😀 He then did a demo saying ‘touch the table and runnn’…

Hope you all have a great weekend 🙂

13 thoughts on “Friday Flowers!

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    1. LOL! Some nice business there 😉
      And thanks for the flowers and the diya 🙂 Wish u a happy weekend too 🙂
      Waiting for the kiddos (Cn I really call them that now?) tales 🙂


      1. Yay first!! thanks Swaram 🙂
        Kiddos yes 🙂 as long as they need you to wash their bums and dress them up! even if they may not wear what you suggest 😀
        But I’m sure they themselves would not want to be called kiddos! esp Adi 😀


  1. Thats a beautiful set of flowers in that diya light…makes it all the more lovely. 🙂 🙂

    Kids grow so fast na…learning new things by the minute…hugs to the little ones.

    I dont even have anything recorded of my girls’ childhood days….I remember only a few from memory. Good u are blogging abt it. 🙂


    1. Thanks Uma 🙂
      I took to blogging mostly to record these things… n so i feel bad if i cannot do some of it regularly. But of course, things that you can tell from memory have a charm of their own 🙂


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