I’m loving it :)

The past year has been one of pleasant surprises.. and some significant changes!! I’d want to write some of these at the beginning of 2012. But I guess its more comprehensive now. With the birthday gone by and another brand new year just rolling in… it feels perfect to list these out !!

* I was well on my way out of the dark period in my life a long time back. But this past year, I felt truly revived and back in my element. Its been an unbelievable journey.. but here I am!! And I feel grateful for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G !!

* Last year, encouraged and pushed by a new team mate, I participated in some of the events in office. It felt awesome! And I really had fun!! Now, I encourage and literally push other hesitant and shy colleagues to go for it.. 🙂

* In the process, I made some new friends. And, as opposed to me being the timid one.. I found myself coaxing them to talk and share more of themselves!! Found out that one is a book lover like me. I remember our book conversations and the excitement. Fantastic 🙂 Earlier, I never had friends outside of the team.. Felt really good, even though, most moved to other locations/organizations.

* Rediscovered the joy in music!! Truly enjoyed listening to songs and swaying/dancing .. like I used to in my college days!! Dancing with the kids to music we love is the new stress buster 🙂 And, the chota ipod shuffle is a constant companion..

* Went back to reading with a vengeance.. so to say. I had missed out on reading for almost 5- 6 years since the time when Ammu was born. Now, the long commute, of an hour and some more, is being taken advantage of! Bliss 🙂

* This is totally new!! Initiated conversations with some of the regular co-passengers on my way to office. That is, I made friends with complete strangers! An added advantage is that couple of them are book lovers too 😀 We talk about books sometimes, when we are not reading 😉 and have even exchanged a few!!

* Discovered the joy of complimenting random people in the office, who I don’t know personally!!

* Gave a shot at couple of things that I had set my heart on. The first one.. I couldn’t keep at it due to various reasons. The second one is something that I had always wished I could do. It was lurking in some distant corner of my mind and wasn’t even in my awareness completely… a hidden desire that was brought to the fore in surprising ways. Now, I’m loving every bit of it 😀

* Started doing some floor exercises to keep them limbs and joints going 🙂 I’ve been able to do it quite regularly 😀 Yay!!

* After years of unwavering steadiness around 47-48, I finally got the boost and crossed the 50 mark! Probably due to the reduced stress physically and mentally.. not to speak of an overdose? of ice creams 😉 Double yayy!!

* All the while, endeavoring to ‘grow’ in the real sense. Trying to live in the moment. Making it a way of life. Giving up prejudices, if any. Trying to catch myself while being judgmental or making presumptions. Re-learning, Un-learning, Learning!! . I think I’ve come a long way.. from what I was a few years ago.

* I believe I’m doing better in terms of temper management. Especially, when it comes to dealing with Ammu. This is still, however, not up-to-the-mark as per dad!! When will Granpas ever be satisfied 🙄

* Felt ecstatic on couple of occasions.. leaving me wondering at my capacity for ‘feeling’ again!!

When I consider the tangibles in life, I sometimes feel less than satisfied at my progress. However, the intangibles that I’ve listed here give me a sense of accomplishment. And I feel re – energized and all set to go!! Looking forward to the surprises of the year ahead 🙂

Touching wood!!

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